Welcome to Coral Sea

Welcome to Coral Sea

Welcome to Coral Sea





Walla-Walla Culture & Historical Tour

Walla-Walla long history and culture tour provide a special fishman culture experience boat trip service, let’s Causeway Bay typhoon shelter have a better view, and recreate the look of the past.

如何到達 How to go?

銅鑼灣避風塘 (港鐵天后站A2出口, 沿電器道步行8-10分鐘, 鄰近銅鑼灣消防局)
Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (MTR Tin Hau Station Exit A2, walk along Electric Road for 8-10 minutes, near Tung Lo Wan Fire Station) Cause


What is Walla-Walla?
Walla-Walla comes from the sound when the motor hits the water, that’s why it's called “Walla-Walla”.


Triangular Island Goddess of Tin Hau Shrine located Causeway Bay typhoon shelter, also is the only sea temple in Hong Kong, most believers are fishman, guests can travel there by Safina boat.

怡和午炮(The Jardine Noonday Gun)

位於香港灣仔區銅鑼灣避風塘的岸邊,屬於怡和洋行所有的一座炮臺,每日中午 12 時都會準時鳴放,鳴炮前須搖鈴8響,傳統源自東角年代的怡和總寫字樓及倉庫,表示上午工作時段結束。「呯」的一聲響徹天際。不知情人士若恰巧經過,肯定被「嚇到個心都離一離」。
Located in Hong Kong Causeway Bay typhoon shelter coast, belongs to Jardin company. It will blast the gun every noon period, also it will ring the bell eight times before blasting the gun. It is to notice the end of the morning working section. The “Pang” sound of the gun blast is really loud, it will scare people who walk passing by.

水上包廂Donut休閒船租借服務(靜止不動)Multi functions Donut Boat (stay still, not moving)

除了Walla Walla,也可以在銅鑼灣避風塘位置,租借我們水上包廂Donut休閒船,可以野餐,可以自行到會美食,可以聯誼,可以包場(需要聯絡客服安排),是另類聚腳的好地方。
Apart from Walla Walla, multi functions donut boats are available for rental, picnic, self-order food or bring your own to enjoy your special moment with friends or family at Causeway Bay typhoon shelter, which is also a good place for you to stay for gathering.

營運時間 Opening Times

營運時間 10:00~18:00 (星期五六日)

Walla Walla 船期班次 (Walla Walla long history and culture tour time slot):

班次:11:30 (午炮儀式) 、 14:00 、 15:00 、 16:00 、17:00。
每節45分鐘收費計算45-minute each part

水上包廂Donut休閒船租借服務時間 Multi functions Donut boat rental time slot:

11:00 - 13:00  11:15 - 13:15
13:15 - 15:15  13:30 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:30  15:45 - 17:45
兩小時計算 (Min charge 2 hours)

收費及優惠(網上和即場) Prices and Promotion(Online and Same day)

全新Walla Walla歷史文化遊水上包廂Donut休閒船現正投入服務,由現在起可以享有以下優惠(大小同價)﹕
Brand New Walla Walla and Multi functions Donut boat already in service, from now on we can enjoy below special offer (Same price for adults and kids) :

Walla Walla 收費 Walla Walla Price
Walla Walla ITEM
平日 Weekday 星期六、日及公眾假期 Sat.,Sun.,Public Holiday
5座位Walla-Walla (5-seater)(原價$280/人
(Original price $280/head)

水上包廂Donut休閒船 (Multi functions Donut Boat)
Donut ITEM
平日 Weekday
(5折 / 50% Off)
星期六、日及公眾假期 Sat.,Sun.,Public Holiday
(75折 / 25% Off)
最多坐8人,Max 8-seater(2小時間原價$800/船 Original price $800/boat/2 hours) $400/船

購票和登船 Tickets and boarding

  1. 客人可透過網上(網址連結)購買船票,完成付款後,會收到船票確認電郵。
    Customers can book the pedal boat ticket through on-line in advance. Booking will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Upon successful booking, a notification email will be sent to customers to acknowledge receipt of the booking order.
  2. 敬請提早 15 分鐘抵達集合地點,逾時不候,不設任何賠償/補償 。
    Please arrive 15 minutes earlier. No compensation will be charged for no-show or late-show.
  3. 船票一經出售,恕不能更改時間及退款。
    All tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.

Walla Walla Customer Service (from 10:00 to 18:00)
嘩啦嘩啦查詢熱線 (辦公時間 10:00-18:00)
(852) 693 88 693


聯絡人資料 Your contact

Please make sure your email address is valid, you will receive a confirmation email after purchasing the ticket, and you must show the ticket purchase record to play.

The online transaction will be successfully completed if payment can be made in 15 minutes.

Please do not close the browser before the transaction is completed.

嘩啦嘩啦安全及守則 Walla Walla Rules and Regulations

  • 請提前15分鐘到達避風塘小歇亭登記處集合,逾時不候。
    All guests should arrive 15mins before departure. All sessions will commence and conclude on time as scheduled.
  • 船上備有救生衣,遇到突發事情,請按船長指示使用。未滿18歲必須全程穿著救生衣。
    In case of an emergency, please follow the captain's instructions and utilise the life jackets provided on board. Passengers under the age of 18 MUST wear a life jacket throughout the tour.
  • 手抱嬰兒不可上船,18歲以下人士必須由一名18歲或以上人士陪同才可登船。
    Handheld baby is not allowed on board. Each ride must be accompanied by at least one adult.
  • 請照顧好同行小孩和長者。
    Accompanied guests are responsible for the safety of young and elderly passengers.
  • 客人在遊玩時應避免將手或腳伸出嘩啦嘩啦船外。
    Guests must keep all limbs inside the Walla Walla ride to minimise the risk of collision.
  • 客人不可攜帶寵物進入營運範圍(包括浮台或嘩啦嘩啦船。)
    Pet is not allowed on the premise-including Pontoons & Walla Wallas.
  • 客人不可在酒精或藥物的影響下登船,本樂園職員有權拒絕任何被懷疑受酒精或藥物影響的客人登船,亦不會因此退還已付的船費。
    HARBOUR FUN staff reserves the right to refuse without issuing a refund to any guest suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • 客人不可在嘩啦嘩啦船上飲用含酒精飲料、吸煙、吸食藥物及亂拋垃圾。
    The use of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, cigars and prohibited drugs, or littering is not permitted on Walla Wallas.
  • 旅程中途不可換人。
    Allocated rides are not interchangeable among passengers.
  • 由於浮台濕滑和晃動,為確保安全,孕婦不建議登船。
    Pregnant woman is not recommended to board for safety reasons due to the slipperiness and instabilities of the pontoon.
  • 自備暈浪葯物(只.限於有需要之客人), 本公司不會向任何客人提供任何藥物。
    Please prepare in advance motion sickness pills if needed, HARBOUR FUN will not be providing any medication.
  • 維港海上樂園有限公司假設所有訪客之身體狀況均適合進入其範圍及或使用所提供之服務 (包括乘坐嘩啦嘩啦船及使用其範圍內之設施)。如訪客懷疑乘坐嘩啦嘩啦船或使用設施會誘發身體不適,我們建議訪客在獲得醫療許可前不要使用服務。
    Guests are expected to be medically fit if board or utilise facilities within HARBOUR FUN premises. We advise guests to obtain medical clearance before attending Walla Walla services if in doubt of any medical condition that could be triggered by our services provided.
  • 請小心保管好個人財物。(如有任何損失,本樂園不會負責。)
    Please take care of your personal belongings, HARBOUR FUN will not be held liable or responsible for any loss or damage of properties that occurred.
  • 如有嬰兒車或大型行理不能帶上嘩啦嘩啦船上,請自行處理。(如有任何損失,本樂園不會負責。)
    Any pram, suitcase or large item is not allowed on board Walla Walla, please arrange storage in advance if needed as HARBOUR FUN does not provide storage facilities onsite.
  • 在有需要情況下, 請自備雨具。
    Please prepare rain gears if needed.

水上包廂Donut休閒船安全及使用守則 Multi funtions Donut Boats Rules and Regulations

  • 船上備有救生衣,遇到突發事情,請按工作人員指示使用,未滿18歲必須全程穿著救生衣。
    Life jackets is ready on boat, any emergency, please use them under our staff's instructions. Age under 18 MUST wear a life jacket during the tour.
  • 手抱嬰兒不可上船,18歲以下人士須由一名18歲或以上人士陪同才可登船。
    Holding baby is not allowed on board. Guests under 18 years of age must be accompanied by one individual of 18 years of age or older while boating.
  • 請照顧好同行小孩和長者。
    Guests are responsible for the safe custody or care of his/her child (children) and elder(s) while boating.
  • 客人在遊玩時應避免將手或腳伸出水上包廂Donut休閒船外。
    Guests must keep arms, hands and legs inside the Multi functions Donut boat to avoid any collision.
  • 客人不可攜帶寵物上水上包廂Donut休閒船。
    Pet(s) is/are not allowed on Multi functions Donut boats.
  • 客人不可在任何藥物的影響下登上休閒船,本樂園職員有權拒絕任何被懷疑受任何藥物影響的客人登船,亦不會因此退還已付的船費。
    Guests cannot on board under the influence of drugs. Our staff reserves the right for ticket refund.
  • 客人不可在水上包廂Donut休閒船上吸煙、吸食藥物及亂拋垃圾。
    Cigarettes, cigars, drugs, and littering are not permitted on Multi functions Donut boats.
  • 使用過程中途不可換人。
    No substitutions while using our service.
  • 由於浮台濕滑和晃動,為確保安全,孕婦不建議登船。
    Due to the slippery and swaying pontoon, pregnant women are not recommended to boarding for safety reasons.
  • 自備暈浪葯物(只限於有需要之客人), 本公司不會向任何客人提供任何藥物。
    Please prepare your own medicine, if you are affected by sea sick, Harbour FUN will not provide any medicine for all guests.
  • 維港海上樂園有限公司假設所有訪客之身體狀況均適合進入其範圍及或使用所提供之服務 (包括乘坐海上包廂Donut船及使用其範圍內之設施)。如訪客懷疑乘坐海上包廂Donut船或使用設施會誘發身體不適,我們建議訪客在獲得醫療許可前不要使用服務。
    Harbour FUN shall assume all guests boarding Walla Walla are medically fit to use the services provided (including taking a Multi functions Donut boats and using facilities within the premise ) and/or to access any part of the premise, and guests have obtained prior medical clearance (where applicable) before using any of the services or accessing any part of the premise. In the event guests suffer from any medical condition that may be triggered by using Multi functions Donut boats or using any facilities within the premise, guests are advised not to use Multi functions Donut boats without having obtained prior medical clearance.
  • 請小心保管好個人財物。(如有任何損失,本樂園不會負責。)
    Please be responsible for your personal belongings, we will not responsible for any lost.
  • 如有嬰兒車或大型行理不能帶上水上包廂Donut船上,請自行處理。(如有任何損失,本樂園不會負責。)
    Guests trolley or luggage, please take the responsibility for your personal belongings, we will not provide any storage.
  • 所有客人都必須自行處理所有垃圾,否則本公司會收取有關清潔費用。(清潔時間已計算在租用時間內, 請預留時間清潔)
    All guests MUST clear all the rubbish after use, otherwise will have clearing chargers. (cleaning time is included in the rental period.)
  • 水上包廂Donut休閒船不會駛出任何地方, 只會留在原地位置。
    Multi functions Donut boats ONLY stay still.
  • 任何人仕都不能站在船上任何坐位, 以免發生意外。
    All guests are NOT allowed to stand on any seat in Multi functions Donut boat to avoid any accident.
  • 本場地不設洗手間,如客人需要使用洗手間,請預留時間去附近公廁。
    We do not provide toilet for any guests, please prepare time to go to the closest public toilet if needed.
  • 如客人在船上嘔吐, 本公司會收取不少於HKD$500清潔費
    If guests vomit on boat, we will charge at least HKD$500 cleaning fee.
  • 在使用設施時, 請盡量將音量收細, 不要影響其他使用者。
    While using our facilities, please keep volume down and do not disturb other guests
  • 使用完畢後, 請盡快返回岸上, 不要在浮台上逗留。
    After using the boat , please get back on land as soon as possible, and don stay in the pontoon area.
  • 如發現多於8人使用(包括小童), 本公司職員有權暫停所有服務,而不設任何賠償。
    No more than 8 people (including kids), our staff will have the right to stop providing service without any compensation.
  • 如有客人因為個人行為(不安照相關安條款)而跌進水中,需要自行承擔責任。
    If any guest falls into the water due to personal behaviors (not in accordance with the relevant safety provisions), and need to bear personal responsibility.
  • 請保持場地清潔。
    Please keep clean in Multi functions Donut boats.
  • 在有需要情況下, 請自備雨具。
    Please prepare rain gears if needed.

特殊情況之安排 Arrangements for Special Circumstance

Harbour FUN reserves the right to suspend the pedal boat operation subject to the following circumstance is or will be in force without prior notice.

  1. 惡劣天氣(以天文台最新公佈為準 ) Bad weather(The latest announcement by observatory shall prevail);
    • 3 號風球或以上 Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 3 or above or;
    • 紅雨或黑雨 Red or Black Rainstorm Signal warning or;
    • 大霧天氣 Foggy or;
    • 在本區域或附近的雷暴及閃電警告 Thunderstorm and lightning warnings in local area

    影響解除後,本樂園將於2小時內恢復營業 Harbour FUN will re-open two hours after the special circumstances

  2. 因應法定要求 Legal requirements;
  3. 營運能力、突發事件 Operating capacity, emergencies;
  4. 或任何影響海上樂園訪客、員工的安全、保安理由、公眾秩序及健康的情況下
    Or any circumstances affecting the safety, security, public order and health of visitors and employees of Harbour Fun.


客人在玩樂途中,若遇上任何一項涉及本公司需要停運的特殊情況,必需立即離開水面,若客人在該節已登船超過15分鐘,恕不會作出任何補償。 其他受影響的客人可於登記處或致電查詢更改登船時間等事宜。

During any special circumstances involving the suspension of the company's operation, guests must leave the water immediately under captain’s instruction. If guests have boarded for a specified period (Harbor FUN have the right to consider the situation), NO compensation will be made.

Other affected guests can change the boarding time at the registration counter.

如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間10:00至18:00致電Walla Walla 歷史文化遊熱線熱線 693 88 693。

If you have any enquiry, please contact the Walla Walla Customer Service registration counter or (852) 693 88 693 from 10:00 to 18:00.


Harbour Fun may revise the general rules or any designated rules at any time, operating hours, limit the number of people entering and has sole and final discretion in interpreting these Terms and Conditions.

