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Welcome to Coral Sea

Welcome to Coral Sea





攜帶寵物須知 Notes on Carriage of Pets 18.05.2023





1. 攜帶任何寵物登船,須於售票處購票(陪同失明人士之領行狗隻除外),並於碼頭內及航程中將寵物用帶牽引或放於籠內,方可進入船艙,否則本公司有權拒絕運載。請勿攜帶活禽鳥或家禽登船。


2. 根據香港法例421《狂犬病條例23條「第II部動物(即「狗」)須受控制」,(1) 除非以帶牽引或以其他方式控制,否則第II部動物(狗)不得出現於 — (a) 公眾地方;或(b) 其他地方,而按常理可預料該動物如沒有以帶牽引或沒有以其他方式控制而出現於該地方,便會從該地方遊蕩至公眾地方的。(2) 凡在任何地方發現第II部動物(狗),而有違反第(1)款的情況,則該動物的畜養人及任何促使、任由或准許該動物在該地方出現的人,均屬犯罪,可各處罰款$10,000。若攜帶狗隻乘船時未有以帶牽引狗隻,珊瑚海船務有權拒絕運載。


3. 寵物不可佔用座位並在可行情況下放於籠內/袋內。


4. 為避免乘客所攜帶之狗隻對其他乘客造成滋擾及恐懼,珊瑚海船務強烈建議所有乘客為其狗隻戴上口罩。珊瑚海船務保留拒絕任何對其他乘客造成騷擾、妨害或恐懼的寵物之登船權利,並以珊瑚海船務最終決定為準。


Notes on Carriage of Pets

To ensure passenger(s) carrying pet(s) is/are allowed to board our vessels, we here restate the terms & conditions of carriage of pet(s) on board as follows:


1. Passengers shall pay fare for their pets through the freight ticketing office (except guide dogs accompanying blind people). Pets must be on a lead or be put into a handy box at pier and on board. Otherwise, boarding will not be allowed. Please do not bring any bird or live poultry onboard.


2. According to Section 23 “Part II animals (Dogs) to be kept under control” of Chapter 421 [Rabies Ordinance], (1) unless it is on a leash or is otherwise under control, no Part II animal (Dogs) shall be in — (a) a public place; or (b) any place from which it may reasonably be expected to wander into a public place if it is not on a leash or otherwise under control. (2) Where a Part II animal (Dog) is found in any place in contravention of subsection (1) the keeper of the animal and any person who caused, suffered or permitted the animal to be in that place shall each be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of $10,000. If passenger brings the dog which is not on a leash, boarding will not be allowed.


3. Pets shall not occupy any seat and put in a handy box/bag whenever feasible.


4. Our company strongly suggests all passengers having their dogs muzzled to avoid their dogs causing nuisance and fear to other passengers. Our company reserves the right to refuse any carriage of dog that caused disturbance, nuisance or fear to the passengers. Decision of our company shall be final and conclusive.