Welcome to Coral Sea

Welcome to Coral Sea

Welcome to Coral Sea





購票服務 Ticket Service

水上運動及康樂主題區 Water Sports and Recreation Precinct


Harbour FUN is situated on the Wan Chai Harbourfront and was officially opened on 24 December 2021. The Harbour FUN provides over twenty two-seater and four-seater pedal boats allowing people to enjoy the panoramic view of Victoria Harbour while bobbling with friends and kids for leisure and sports. Now is the best time to explore Victoria Harbour's iconic FUN! Pre-booking online is encouraged due to limited number of pedal boats.

如何到水上單車? How to go to Harbour Fun?

路線A﹕灣仔地鐵站A3出口 Route A: Wanchai MTR Exit A3
路線B﹕銅鑼灣地鐵站C出口 Route B: Causeway Bay MTR Exit C
路線C﹕灣仔渡輪碼頭/會展站地鐵站A2出口 Route C: Wanchai Ferry Pier / Exhibition Centre Station MTR Exit A2

營運時間 Opening Times

Harbour FUN daily open from 10 am to 6 pm with pedal boats operates at the following time slots:

10:30 - 11:15 11:00 - 11:45
11:30 - 12:15 12:00 - 12:45
12:30 - 13:15 13:00 - 13:45
13:30 - 14:15 14:00 - 14:45
14:30 - 15:15 15:00 - 15:45
15:30 - 16:15 16:00 - 16:45
16:30 - 17:15 17:00 - 17:45
17:30 - 18:15

* 為配合「樂聚維港嘉年華」活動,腳踏船服務將於2023年7月4日至8月7日暫停。

* The pedal-driven boat rental service will be suspended from 4 July to 7 August 2023 during the Harbour Chill Carnival.

There are some "same-day tickets" for walk-in customers, which are sold on a first-come-first-served basis at the original price.


We have convenient store at the Harbour FUN and provide drinks, snacks and toys, etc.

收費 Prices

45-minute bobbling pedal boat along the Wanchai promenade.

$200 per 2-seater pedal boat
$280 per 4-seater pedal boat

網上優惠活動 Online Promotion

Early one day booking from online can enjoy the following discount by Harbour Fun.

平日 (星期一至星期五, 公眾假期除外)
Weekday (Monday to Friday, except Public Holiday)
Weekend, Public Holiday and Same Day
10:30 - 17:30八折 20% off
優惠價 二人船$160,四人船$224
Promotion price $160 per 2-seater pedal boat and $224 per 4-seater pedal boat
10:30 - 17:30 Original Price
原價 二人船$200,四人船$280
Original price $200 per 2-seater pedal boat and $280 per 4-seater pedal boat

購票和登船 Tickets and boarding

  1. 客人可透過網上(網址連結)購買船票,完成付款後,會收到船票確認電郵。
    Customers can book the pedal boat ticket through on-line in advance. Booking will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Upon successful booking, a notification email will be sent to customers to acknowledge receipt of the booking order.
  2. 客人請於登船前15分鐘,於灣仔海濱公園腳踏船登記處出示船票確認電郵登記,然後由職員安排登船,若客人在該節遲到超過30分鐘,則當作自動放棄,恕不會作出任何補償。
    Customers is strongly advised to arrive 15 minutes before the boating time and register to the Wancha Harbourfront's Harbour FUN registration counter for document check and embarkation. If customers late for more than 30 minutes, they will be assumed to be give up without any compensation.
  3. 每節時間45分鐘,如超時,本樂園有權追討相對的超時費用。
    45-minute boating time. Harbour FUN has the right to recover the relative overtime fee.
  4. 船票一經出售,恕不能更改時間及退款。
    All tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.
  5. 優惠價錢不適用於即日票。
    Discounted prices are not applicable to current-day tickets.

Harbour FUN Customer Service (from 10:00 to 18:00)
水上單車查詢熱線 (辦公時間:10:00-18:00)
(852) 9790 9692

聯絡人資料 Your contact

Please make sure your email address is valid, you will receive a confirmation email after purchasing the ticket, and you must show the ticket purchase record to play.

The online transaction will be successfully completed if payment can be made in 15 minutes.

Please do not close the browser before the transaction is completed.

安全守則 Rules and Regulations “Safety is our mutual priority”
  • 客人登船前必須穿著救生衣。
    Guest must wear a lifejacket at all times when boating.
  • 手抱嬰兒不可上船,18歲以下人士須由一名18歲或以上人士陪同才可登船。
    Holding baby is not allowed on board. Guest under 18 years of age must be accompanied by one individual of 18 years of age or older while boating.
  • 請照顧好同行小孩和長者。
    Guest is responsible for the safe custody or care of his/her child (children) and elder(s) while boating.
  • 客人在遊玩時應避免與其他船隻發生碰撞。
    Guest must keep clear of other pedal boats to avoid collision.
  • 客人不可攜帶寵物上船。
    Pet(s) is/are not allowed on the pedal boat.
  • 客人不可在酒精或藥物的影響下登船,本樂園職員有權拒絕任何被懷疑受酒精或藥物影響的客人登船,亦不會因此退還已付的船費。
    Guest must not operate the pedal boat under the influence of alcohol or drug. The Harbour FUN reserves rights to void the ticket without refund.
  • 客人不可在腳踏船上飲用含酒精飲料、吸煙、吸食藥物及亂拋垃圾。
    Alcoholic beverage, cigarette, cigar, prohibited drugs, and littering are not permitted.
  • 船隻款式以先到先得或工作人員安排。
    Boat styles are arranged on a first-come, first-served or by staff.
  • 中途不可換人。
    No substitutions.
  • 由於浮台濕滑和晃動,為確保安全,孕婦不建議登船。
    Due to the slippery and swaying pontoon, pregnant women are not recommended to boarding for safety reasons.

特殊情況之安排 Arrangements for Special Circumstance

Harbour FUN reserves the right to suspend the pedal boat operation subject to the following circumstance is or will be in force without prior notice.

  1. 惡劣天氣(以天文台最新公佈為準 ) Bad weather(The latest announcement by observatory shall prevail);
    • 3 號風球或以上 Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 3 or above or;
    • 紅雨或黑雨 Red or Black Rainstorm Signal warning or;
    • 大霧天氣 Foggy or;
    • 在本區域或附近的雷暴及閃電警告 Thunderstorm and lightning warnings in local area

    影響解除後,本樂園將於2小時內恢復營業Harbour FUN will re-open two hours after the special circumstances

  2. 因應法定要求Legal requirements;
  3. 營運能力、突發事件Operating capacity, emergencies;
  4. 或任何影響海上樂園訪客、員工的安全、保安理由、公眾秩序及健康的情況下Or any circumstances affecting the safety, security, public order and health of visitors and employees of Harbour Fun.

客人在玩樂途中,若遇上任何一項涉及本公司需要停運的特殊情況,需立即離開水面,若客人在該節已登船超過15分鐘,恕不會作出任何補償。 其他受影響的客人可於登記處或致電查詢更改登船時間等事宜。

During the time, any special circumstances involving the suspension of the company's operation, customers must leave the water immediately. If customers have boarded for more than 15 minutes, NO compensation will be made

Other affected customers can change the boarding time at the registration counter.

如有任何查詢,請於辦公時間10:00至18:00致電水上單車熱線 9790 9692。

If you have any enquiry, please contact the Harbour FUN registration counter or (852) 9790 9692 from 10:00 to 18:00.


Harbour Fun may revise the general rules or any designated rules at any time, operating hours, limit the number of people entering and has sole and final discretion in interpreting these Terms and Conditions.

